5 Secrets People With Clammy Hands Will Never Tell You

    Eminem's palms got sweaty before his rap battle, but for you, it's no special occasion.

    I arrived into this world with red hair, blue-gray eyes, and clammy hands. One of those things is still true.

    For most of every waking day, my palms are balmy at best, and sweaty bogs at worst. Eminem's palms got sweaty before he had a once-in-a-lifetime rap battle, and Ferris Bueller licked his to fake an illness, but for me, it's no special occasion.

    Basically, my palms are almost always wet to the touch, covered in a thin layer of shimmering perspiration. Even though I'm a person who tends to be cold, my hands specifically feel like they're a solid 110. It's not a serious medical condition or anything, but it is plenty of fodder for teasing from my sisters, a governing factor for many behaviors, and the basis for some undeniable truths.

    Here, a select few:

    1. First of all, it's all day, every day.

    2. The prospect of shaking someone's hand is enough to make you curl up in a ball under your covers and never come out.

    3. Drying your palms is an eternal challenge.

    4. Sometimes, the clamminess can be more than just a little problematic.

    5. But in the end, it's one of those things that bring us all a little closer together.