13 Things That Have Changed Since The BJP Took Over Three Years Ago

    Caste violence, unemployment and crimes against women have worsened. Poverty and GDP have improved.

    On this day, three years ago, Narendra Modi was sworn in as the 14th Prime Minister of India.

    Here's how some things have changed since he took charge as prime minister:

    1. Around 60% of people are satisfied with the government according to this India Today survey.

    2. But the same survey notes that the number of people dissatisfied with the government has increased from 36% to 39%.

    3. According to the National Crime Records Bureau, violence against women has gone up from 41.7% in 2012 to around 54% in 2015.

    4. According to the World Bank, people living under the poverty line has reduced by 45 million.

    5. Although BJP's campaign included promises of job creation, the unemplyoment rate has increased.

    6. Women's employment rates have dropped by a whole percentage point. In 2013, around 8% of women were unemployed. Now around 9% are.

    7. The total number of jobs created until October 2016 was 1.51 million.

    8. In the last three years though, the GDP has grown at a steady rate of over 7% as compared to 6.9% in 2013-14.

    9. This Hindustan Times report finds that communal violence in UP has been on the rise, but Home Ministry data says 2016 saw 703 communal violence-related deaths, compared to 823 in 2013.

    10. Caste related violence, both against scheduled castes and scheduled tribes, has also steadily risen in the last few years according to the National Crime Records Bureau.

    11. The budget has allocated ₹2.74 lakh crore to defence this year as compared to ₹2 lakh crore in 2013.

    12. But the amount allocated to education has also increased to ₹79,685 crore in 2017 from around ₹66,000 crore in 2013.

    13. The latest World Bank figures show that the gross enrolment ratio for primary schools in India fell by 1% from 2011-12 to 2014-15.

    14. And the word "ban" has been searched waaaay more often than it used to be in 2012.