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19 Reasons Running With Boobs Is The Absolute Worst

It's like running with dumbbells... only they're attached to your chest.

If you have boobs of any kind (small, medium, large, whatever), you probably know that running can be actual hell sometimes.

1. You'll always wonder if these chest accessories are actually slowing you down.

2. And constantly having to stop and readjust is a bitch.

3. It's not like you can just go out for an impromptu run — that stuff takes actual preparation.

4. It's literally like running with dumbbells... only they're attached to your chest.

5. You think you look pretty casual and cool. But you actually look like you're trying to recreate an episode of Baywatch.

6. Sometimes you turn right and they go left. They pretty much have a mind of their own.

7. And they have a tendency to make any shirt look inappropriate.

8. That constant bouncing makes your chest feel like it could give out at any moment.

9. And it sometimes brings on a few stares. HAVEN'T YOU EVER SEEN RUNNING BOOBS, PEOPLE?

10. Not to mention your back has become an Olympic lifter.

11. The most complicated and tumultuous relationship you have is with your sports bra.

12. Boob chaffing is something you are VERY familiar with.

13. And boob sweat. ALL OF THE BOOB SWEAT.

14. Sometimes you have to double up for your own safety (and the safety of others).

15. Which literally feels like you're wearing a corset.

16. And gives you automatic uni-boob.

17. And when nothing else works, sometimes you just gotta hold 'em down.

18. Getting out of your sports bra at the end of your run is a workout in and of itself.

19. But at the end of the day, you know you (and your body) are a little stronger for the struggle you just dealt with.


This post has been edited for clarity.