How To Have White Teeth Even If You Love Coffee And Red Wine

    Because who doesn’t want pearly white chompers?

    Are you an avid coffee or red wine drinker who’s terrified your habits will eventually lead to a mouth full of stained teeth?

    Well, the good news is, there are a few easy ways you can prevent and get rid of common stains on your teeth, and here we’re going to tell you all about it.

    First things first, there are two different types of stains: intrinsic, which are most likely permanent, and extrinsic, which are most likely removable.

    Extrinsic stains usually depend on the frequency with which you’re consuming certain foods, drinks, or other highly-pigmented things, and if there’s enough plaque buildup on your teeth for them to latch onto and discolor.

    Unfortunately, some people can be genetically predisposed to greater plaque buildup (and therefore stained teeth).

    But stains don’t happen overnight — it takes around a week of consistent stain-causing eating and drinking, and enough plaque buildup to form noticeable stains.

    So to prevent these extrinsic stains, there are a few things you can do, starting with being aware of when and how often you’re eating sugary foods.

    Make sure that you’re getting at least one thorough, two-minute tooth-brushing session per day.

    And investing in an electronic toothbrush.

    And carry some mouthwash on you.

    You could try over-the-counter whitening products, which have been shown to be helpful.

    And you could also try sipping teeth-staining drinks through a straw, if you’re willing to sacrifice a little flavor.

    If after all of this, you’re still having a hard time removing stains from your teeth, visit your dentist for a regular cleaning.

    In conclusion: The best way to avoid stains is to monitor your diet and your tartar/plaque buildup.