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    8 Hotel Secret Histories That Are Scarier Than Any Horror Movie

    The Crescent Hotel's history literally keeps me up at night if I think about it too long.

    Before reading, please be informed that the following depicts accounts of people who committed severe crimes. Mentions of death, murder, SA, and suicide are included. Reader discretion is advised.

    1. Congress Plaza Hotel (Chicago, Illinois)

    photo of the hotel's exterior

    2. L'Hôtel d'Alsace (Paris, France)

    photo of the hotel's exteror

    3. The Cecil Hotel (Los Angeles, California)

    photo of the hotel's exterior

    4. Hotel Saint Vincent (New Orleans, Louisiana)

    photo of the hotel's front door

    5. Chateau Marmont (Hollywood, California)

    photo of the hotel's exterior

    6. The Stanley Hotel (Estes Park, Colorado)

    photo of the hotel's exterior

    7. Hotel Henry (Buffalo, New York)

    photo of the hotel's exterior

    8. Lastly, The Crescent Hotel (Eureka Springs, Arkansas)

    photo of the hotel's exterior

    Do you know of a hotel with a dark or creepy past? Let us know in the comments below!