7 Lowkey Ways To Work Out Without Ruining Your Weekend

    Exercise ideas that go with a long weekend instead of ruining it.

    The gym might be the last place you want to spend your holiday weekend. And that's totally fair.

    But if you still want to squeeze in some exercise, here are some do-able and gym-free ways to do it.

    1. Plan a game of water balloon dodgeball.

    Run around throwing water balloons and dodging 'em, too. Get more info here.

    2. Or an epic nighttime game of capture the flag.

    3. Throw a resistance band in your suitcase and spend less than 10-minutes working out your behind.

    4. Wake up and do some light yoga to get you in the ~chill vacation~ mindset.

    5. Or, knock out this quick and relatively chill workout.

    6. Bored at the beach or pool? Take 8 minutes to get your heart-rate up, then jump in the water.

    7. Whip up this delicious high-protein smoothie while basking in your post-workout glory (and the sun).