We Might Be Able To Actually Taste The Starch Molecules In Our Delicious Carbs

    Evolution could be to blame/thank for your deep feelings towards bread.

    Obviously carbs taste delicious. This is a no-brainer.

    According to a new study, we can detect a starchy taste in the bits of matter our saliva breaks carbs down into. We're talking molecules.

    And, apparently, we can actually taste those molecules!

    For the study, participants' tongues were swabbed with solutions containing these starch breakdown products, which were assumed to be tasteless.

    To make sure the participants weren't tasting any sweetness in the breakdown products of the starch, researchers swabbed subjects' tongues with a solution that blocked their sweet receptors.

    This all makes pretty good evolutionary sense if you think about it.

    But, sadly, this study doesn't explain carb cravings.

    But the team's findings do help scientists understand just how complex human taste really is.

    Please do your part to experiment on the human sense of starch!