This Badass Workout Will Help You Survive The Apocalypse

    It just seems like a really good time to get stronger, faster, and more...durable.

    There's no better time to work out than when the world feels increasingly ~unstable~.

    That's why we asked fitness expert Albert Matheny of Soho Strength Lab how to prepare your body for if / when the shit hits the fan.

    Here's how it works:

    Set a timer for 20 minutes.

    Complete the circuit below as many times as you can (with good form!) before the timer stops. Do 5 reps of each move. Rest for 60 seconds between rounds.

    • 5 Dumbbell suitcase deadlift + rows

    • 5 Skater lunges (per side)

    • 5 Lateral bear crawls (per side)

    • 5 Drop squats (per side)

    Here's how each move should look and how to do them:

    1. Dumbbell suitcase deadlift + row

    2. Skater lunge

    3. Lateral bear crawl

    4. Drop squat

    Keep training, people.

    Doomsday styling by BuzzFeed senior lifestyle editor Alison Caporimo.