Here’s a Crazy Intense Workout That Will Make You Feel Like a Beast

    Burn all of the calories, no equipment needed.

    Burpees challenge your whole body (and your will to live), which means more results in less time.

    In this workout, do each move 10 times in the order it's listed, then move on immediately to the next move without stopping.

    At the end, you'll have done 100 burpees (and a whole bunch of other stuff). Tips on how to do the moves below.

    And BTW, you can make this workout more beginner-friendly if you need. Just do 5 of each move, instead of 10. (Hey, 50 burpees is still nothing to sneeze at.)

    First, choose your level from the three different types of burpees below — beginner, intermediate, or advanced.

    Keep in mind that good form is crucial for results and also not getting hurt. So you'll want to choose the burpee that you can perform with perfect form even when you're halfway through the workout. If you need pointers, we've included more info on how to do each move below.

    Here's a beginner burpee:

    Here's the intermediate burpee:

    And here's the advanced burpee:

    Here are all the other moves you should know:

    This is a side lunge. For this workout, do five on one side and five on the other side.

    Here's how to do a plank with shoulder touch:

    Here's how to do a squat:

    Here's how to do a spider lunge:

    Here's how to do an elevated push-up:

    Here's how to do bicycle crunches:

    Here's how to do mountain climbers. When it says you should do 10 mountain climbers, that means 10 on each leg.

    Here's how to do a Russian twist:

    Here's how to do v-ups:

    And here's how to do a walkout:

    Now get out there and show some burpees who's boss!

    Special thanks to Matheny, who very graciously modeled burpees, a plank with shoulder touches, mountain climbers, and v-ups.

    Thumbnail from Thinkstock.

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