People With Vaginas Are Really Tired Of Answering This Question

    *hands everyone an Anatomy 101 book* FYI: There is a drawing of a vagina in this post.

    We're gathered here today to put to rest a question that's been asked since the dawn of time.

    Just a second, sir, you can finish your noodles after we've answered this extremely concerning question that people have about the ~mysterious~ vagina.

    The issue, you ask? OK, here it is: Let's stop asking people with vaginas if they can pee with a tampon in.

    Yes, in the year 2015, folks are showing that they are largely clueless about reproductive organs.

    GUYS. In 2015, there is a man asking if women can pee while wearing a tampon.

    Should everyone be required to take Anatomy 101 again?

    A man asked how women pee with a tampon in on this same site. With all goddamn confidence

    How did we get here?

    What kind of dumb ass question is that? "Can women pee with a tampon in?" Duh. What the fuck. We don't pee out of our vaginas idiot.

    Oh my goodness.

    One time a man tried to tell me that women couldn't pee with a tampon in. He was so insistent that I finally just said "Okay, sure. SURE."

    It's out of control.

    I've had guys ask if we can pee with a tampon in....😑 you didn't have sex Ed obviously if you don't know the answer to that question

    This is how tampons and vaginas work together:

    But how does someone pee if they have a tampon in? Well, this is gonna blow your mind, people: Where you put a tampon and where you pee from are two different openings.

    Mind blown, huh? That's all, folks!