12 Charts You'll Get If You've Worked In A Lab

    *glares at people wearing shorts and flip flops on a hot day*

    1. When it's been so long the stuff at the back of the fridge is no longer recognisable.

    2. When you underestimate how many things can go wrong.

    3. When your co-workers appear to have a death wish.

    4. When you convince yourself that reading Facebook/Twitter/Tumblr is the same as reading papers.

    5. When dissolving something takes longer than you think, every single time.

    6. When you and your co-workers all have different musical tastes.

    7. When the universe waits until the last possible minute to screw with you.

    8. When you have to hide the good stuff so someone else doesn't take it.

    9. When you gotta blow your nose but you don't want to leave your experiment unattended.

    10. When you look on longingly as everyone gets excited for shorts season.

    11. When the clearing up never seems to end.

    12. When, as much as you complain, you're really, really glad you don't have a desk job.