A Man Had A Three-Day Boner After Taking An Herbal Supplement

    There are boners, and then there are three-day boners.

    A 36-year-old man walked into an emergency room in Italy complaining of a three-day erection.

    Doctors believe his 72-hour boner was caused by an herbal supplement containing Tribulus terrestris, which is often advertised as a treatment for low testosterone or sexual dysfunction.

    He told doctors he was taking two tablets of the supplement per day for 15 days, and he wasn't taking any other medication at the time.

    Tribulus is sometimes found in supplements that claim to boost your natural testosterone, improve your sexual functioning, and enhance your workouts. Like this or this. But according to Dr. Abraham Morgentaler, associate clinical professor of urology at Harvard Medical School, there's really no evidence that it does any of that.

    According to the report, the man's erection eventually went down after surgery with a cavernoglandular shunt. Eight months later, his erections and sexual functioning seem to be back to normal, though his sensitivity was affected.

    So...if a painful, three-day boner didn't convince you, you really shouldn't be taking supplements for your penis.

    If you really think you may have low testosterone, don't take a supplement — see your doctor.

    Before medication, you might want to try getting more sleep or losing some weight.

    And if you ever have an erection that won't go away, get to a doctor as soon as possible.