11 Things All Men In Their Twenties Should Know

    BRB, sending this to all my guy friends.

    1. Actually go to the doctor when something is wrong.

    2. Find a general practitioner and become an established patient at their clinic.

    3. Do less risky stuff.

    Why it matters:

    “It’s not a secret: Men are more likely to engage in high-risk behaviors than women are,” Dr. Daniel Vigil, health sciences associate clinical professor in the Department of Family Medicine, division of sports medicine at UCLA, tells BuzzFeed Life. What is high-risk behavior? Things that can put you in bodily harm. Think high-risk sex, high-risk driving, high-risk sports, and violent behavior in general.

    What to do:

    You already know all this, but I'll repeat it anyway:

    - Wear a condom and get tested for STDs.

    - Wear a seatbelt, and mind the speed limit and traffic laws.

    - Wear a helmet, and don't push yourself if something feels wrong or hurts in a bad way.

    - Take rest days seriously, if you work out.

    - Don't take unnecessary risks that could possibly kill you or seriously hurt you if something doesn't go exactly as planned.

    - And do what you can to avoid violent confrontations if at all possible: Homicide is the third-leading cause of death for men in their twenties and early thirties in the United States (and that says nothing about violent encounters that don't kill you but do seriously injure you).

    4. Fix or leave messed up relationships.

    5. Ask yourself the CAGE questions.

    6. Even if you don't have a problem with alcohol...try not to binge drink.

    7. Eat some vegetables. Every day.

    Why it matters:

    Because it'll help keep your poops regular. And also because eating vegetables can help you live longer.

    What to do:

    Here's a good place to start.

    8. Exercise regularly, also.

    9. Know what depression can look like in men.

    10. Learn how to manage your stress in a healthy and productive way.

    11. Actually get some sleep. Every night.

    Got all that? Good. Now go do what you gotta do.