17 Jokes About Seasonal Affective Disorder That Are Funny Because They're True

    "When global warming is doing terrible things for the environment but great things for your seasonal affective disorder."

    1. For people with seasonal affective disorder, winter isn't just colder and darker. It's also generally the worst.

    2. You have just about no energy to get anything done.

    3. And even when you do, it ends up being in vain.

    4. So you just sit there feeling stuck.

    5. Occasionally, you might try to take advantage of ~winter~ things:

    6. While you wait for the first signs of spring, and the depression to lift.

    Starting to feel like spring. Me @ seasonal affective disorder

    7. There are days where HOPE IS NOT LOST!

    8. But really, the Earth is just like, "lol gotcha."

    9. Seriously, that cold weather has got 👏 to 👏 go 👏.

    10. And eventually it does, making it really hard to contain all your excitement.

    11. You probably have no idea what to do with yourself. So you do all of it.

    12. It's almost like a veil has lifted.

    *sun comes out* therapist: how's your depression me: my depression?

    13. That it's probably related to climate change is only slightly concerning.

    When global warming is doing terrible things for the environment but great things for your seasonal affective disor… https://t.co/pEirYBi6K6

    14. Because you feel freeeee.

    15. Warmer weather is on its way and you are here for it!

    my seasonal depression on March 1st

    16. ... Or so you thought.

    17. Because it turns out seasonal depression might not be so ~seasonal~ after all.