Here's How To Work Out When You're Angry And Not Break Yourself

    Breathe, child.

    If you've ever been so damn mad you thought you were going to explode, you're not alone.

    When life gives you anger, it's also giving you power.

    1. First, acknowledge why you're angry. Then make the decision to channel that rage the right way.

    2. Make yourself comfortable — wherever and however you're working out.

    3. Go in with a plan and stick to it.

    4. Definitely don't skip your warm up — no matter how much you want to get right into it.

    5. Choose a fun, engaging workout.

    6. Keep the technical level of your exercises to a minimum.

    7. Push yourself hard enough that you find yourself in ~the zone~.

    8. Don't forget to breathe.

    9. And remember to check your form.

    10. And finally, remember that you're working out for yourself.

    So get out there and let your inner-Hulk run free!*