This Woman's Tweet Thread About The Government Being Like A Terrible Relationship Is Amazing

    "This comparison thread feels scarily accurate."

    Yesterday, Twitter user @badaboomtheory tweeted a simple thread about how the government feels like a terrible relationship.

    i swear this govt feels like a terrible relationship

    She pretty clearly references things that happened throughout the year.

    can i make my own decisions? no agency tho? lolno but like, I'm a person and i have rights? loooolno

    we have a problem, can we talk? only if you tell me you looove me, but also no

    Basically, she says what we're all thinking about how the government keeps changing its policies.

    "babe, let's do something special on 30th" 3 days later: "...actually, next month" 5 days later: "babe, next year" 6 days later: "TODAY!!"

    The Mumbai-based student who prefers to stay anonymous told BuzzFeed that she thought up this analogy after putting off going to the bank a lot.

    "babe, I swear I love you" *does something that proves the exact opposite*

    "Just like bad exes ruin how you think about love. I guess this thread was a result of seeing all the red flags after, as one always does."

    *knows nothing about the PC* "babe, I'll fix the PC. Trust me." *ruins PC*

    "After this, it was just a matter of thinking about all the terrible stuff about relationships, and without fail, a political parallel existed," she added.

    Where's my journal? Oh, I have it. Um, it's private and you didn't even ask? lol but i wanted to read it sooo ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    "The thread seems to have resonated with a lot of people, though I can't tell if they're relating to the frustration this policy brings or the bad romance."

    "Quite a people have found it hilarious before getting sad about how real it is," she added. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯