26 Photos The World Needs To See To Understand How Beautiful India Really Is

    The world really is full of heroes, you just have to look a little harder.

    1. This mother who is trying her best to give her daughter everything she never had.

    2. This woman who handed out roses to bank workers for tirelessly working at a thankless job.

    3. This man who made sure his best friend was safe from the Chennai floods.

    4. These little girls who dressed up as Sushma Swaraj because they believe it's awesome we have women in government.

    5. This McDonald's graduation party.

    6. This random stranger who raised money for a braille typewriter so a blind man could write his IAS exams.

    7. This philanthropic rickshaw driver.

    8. The sheer joy on this security guard's face after a woman bought him a cycle after his was stolen.

    9. This old man who sells buttermilk every summer, to help those who are affected by the scorching temperatures.

    10. This true friend.

    11. This young mother who is prepping for an exam while also taking care of her child.

    12. This kid's teacher for rewarding great work.

    13. This 9-year-old who started a library so that underprivileged children could learn how to read.

    14. This family who knows that everyone deserves an education, no matter who they are.

    15. This New Delhi hero on three wheels.

    16. This man who decided that it's upto him to make the world a little bit better.

    17. These men who fought through thigh-deep water to make sure this aunty reached dry land.

    18. This Sikh man making sure these small Santas get to school on time.

    19. This perfect response.

    20. This mother who helped her kid make this absolutely brilliant fancy dress costume.

    21. These two friends, putting their political views aside to have dinner together.

    22. This man, who without fail stands at a crowded intersection everyday, just to put a smile on people's face.

    23. This clear indication of progress.

    24. This dutiful restaurant.

    25. These Mumbaikars.

    26. And these teachers handing out bright futures for free.