Senator Claims White Students Are Made To Feel Ashamed About The First Fleet

    "Our nation is routinely dishonoured in schools."

    New One Nation senator Brian Burston claims students with an Anglo-Saxon background are being made to feel guilty for "supposed historical injustices" committed by their ancestors.

    In his first speech to parliament, which ran for just under 30 minutes, the NSW senator took aim at what he called "aggressive multiculturalism" being taught in Australian schools.

    Burston also suggested British and European explorers should be given a "place of honour" during acknowledgement of country ceremonies recited in schools, to celebrate the "nation they created".

    "The majority of students are not supported in their Anglo-Australian identity, but are made to feel guilty for supposed historical injustices committed by their ancestors," he said on Tuesday evening.

    He lamented "how things have changed since the 1950s and 1960s" when Australia "belonged to us" and said the Indigenous recognition referendum will further divide the country.

    "Our nation is still at the heart of Australia's economy, culture and identity, but is routinely dishonoured in schools," he said.

    "Soon that injustice could be thrust into our constitution if the referendum on constitutional recognition succeeds."

    Burston, a former architectural design consultant and deputy mayor in NSW, echoed his leader Pauline Hanson's comments that "we are being swamped" by Muslims.

    "Immigration has failed," he declared.

    He blamed Australia's immigration intake for "car jackings, home invasions, flash riots and drive-by shootings", and reiterated the party's plan to ban Muslim immigration in Australia.

    Just like during Hanson's speech, Greens senators staged a walkout of the Senate when Burston linked Muslim migration to organised crime.

    Burston also complained about public broadcasters ABC, SBS and NITV, claiming they have been infected by cultural Marxism.

    He suggested instead there should be a new "Patriotic Broadcasting Corporation" to promote nationalism instead of multiculturalism.

    "There is not one conservative program or anchor on the ABC, not one, in a billion dollar enterprise," he said.