This One Graph Shows Why Young Aussies Are Struggling To Find Full-Time Work

    "This is the hungriest we have ever been for full-time work and the hardest it has ever been to get a full-time job."

    Bad news, millennials. Full-time jobs that used to be created each month for you are now being given to men in their 40s and 50s.

    Young people want full-time work but the evidence says the jobs simply aren't available, a new workplace report on youth employment has found.

    Workplace trends show the new jobs that used to be created each month for young people are now being given to older men.

    New full-time jobs for young people are declining at an average of 1,900 per month and have been since 2010, with only 1,100 new part-time jobs created each month in their place.

    Workplace expert and report author Conrad Liveris told BuzzFeed News that young people and women are losing out on full-time jobs to older men.

    "Full-time job creation is down 60% since 2010 when compared to [2000-2009], which is hitting young people hardest," Liveris said.

    "Yet there are small gains in full-time jobs in the wider economy – young people and women aren't accessing them, so only older men can access them."

    Liveris says the data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics shows jobs normally earmarked for young people are going to men in their 40s and 50s.

    "This might be out of pity, as men in their 40s and 50s are expected to be breadwinners, so employers could be trying to support them so as to keep their families stable," Liveris said.

    Each month more than 2,500 extra young people become underemployed, meaning they have a job but want to work more hours.

    The underemployment rate for under 25s is 18%, the highest it's been in 40 years.

    A third of people aged 15 to 24 who have a job aren't working enough hours to live on.

    "Young people are starting their careers with transient jobs," Liveris said. "They are unlikely to work full-time for a substantial part of their career, and the trend is getting harder to turn around."

    This means if you're under 34 you're probably going to spend chunks of your career unable to find full-time work, instead working in casual or part time employment.

    Fifty-seven percent of young workers (15-24) are in casual jobs.

    Last month a report by community group the Brotherhood of St Laurence found almost a third of young Aussies (more than 650,000) looking for work are unemployed or underemployed.

    1,200 people per month aged 25-34 become underemployed. And for every man that is underemployed, there are more than four women in the same boat.

    Women aged 25 to 34 are twice as likely to be unemployed than men of the same age and every month an extra 900 women want more work.

    "This is the hungriest we have ever been for full-time work and the hardest it has ever been to get a full-time job," Liveris said.

    "We still want full-time work, and we think we can get it. The evidence tells us otherwise."

    Labor's employment spokesperson Brendan O'Connor told BuzzFeed News the government needs to step in and support young unemployed people.

    “Growing underemployment, particularly for young Australians, is not good for the country and is a damning indictment on Malcolm Turnbull’s lack of leadership and policies," O'Connor said.

    “What is the Turnbull government’s response? To support a pay cut of up to $77 a week for up to 700,000 workers – many of whom are young people – by cutting penalty rates.

    “Under Malcolm Turnbull young people will be working more hours for less money – they must be stoked about that.”

    You can read the full workplace report here: