"If My Uterus Shot Bullets, It'd Be Less Regulated," And 22 Other Women's March Signs That Speak For Themselves

    "I demand separation between my vagina and state."

    With timing that couldn't be more needed, the 2021 Women's March brought thousands of people to streets across the US this weekend, and abortion rights took center stage.

    A large crowd of people protesting

    The crowd was filled with signs demanding that action be taken against Texas's move to ban abortions after six weeks and that the landmark legalization of abortions through Roe v. Wade be upheld for generations to come. Here are several signs that prove abortion rights will not be stripped without a fight:

    1. "If my uterus shot bullets, it'd be less regulated."

    2. "Stop telling women what to do with our bodies!"

    3. "My body, my choice."

    4. "If I wanted the government in my womb, I'd fuck a senator."

    5. "Save Roe."

    6. "I'm a woman, not a womb."

    7. "Mind your own uterus."

    8. "We won't go back."

    9. "Keep abortion legal. Make it rare...Support family-friendly policies and free, effective birth control."

    10. "If you regulate me, I won't be the only one that bleeds."

    11. "Bans don't stop abortions. They just make them dangerous."

    12. "Fight for women's rights."

    13. "Abortion is healthcare."

    14. "Don't tread on me."

    15. "Together we fight for all."

    16. "Abortion rights are LGBTQ rights."

    17. "Fuck Texas."

    18. "Vasectomy prevents abortion."

    19. "I demand separation between my vagina and state."

    20. "Bans off our bodies."

    21. "Men shouldn't be making laws about women's bodies."

    22. "We're not ovary-acting."

    23. "No uterus? No opinion."