15 Things People With Arthritis Want You To Know

    "My joints feel like lead, and I can be in such pain I can sometimes be physically sick."

    1. There's no one type of arthritis.

    2. And "aches and pains" are not the same as arthritis.

    3. Your self-esteem can take a hit.

    4. Diagnosis can be tricky.

    5. It's not just stairs that are a challenge.

    6. A typical day can vary.

    7. Treatment plans differ, but they're all long-term.

    8. You have to ration your energy.

    9. It can be tough on relationships.

    10. But family and friends can make all the difference.

    11. People can be rude and unthinking.

    12. You never know what someone else is going through.

    13. It's tough on parents as well as children.

    14. It's hard to plan ahead.

    15. But you learn to adapt.

    Thanks to Arthritis Research UK for their help with this piece.