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We Asked A Bunch Of Cute Kids What They Thought About The Scottish Referendum

These children attended a large pro-independence rally in Glasgow. But why?

This is Jessica, who's just turned 3. Her mum says she's voting No because she doesn't want to lose her house, which is what she thinks will happen.

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"They're shouting about...."

But she forgot what she's actually doing at the rally.

Siraj Datoo / BuzzFeed News

"Did you forget?" her mum asks.


To be honest, there's a chance she's bored with the whole referendum thing.

Siraj Datoo / BuzzFeed News

Then there's Shaun, 5, who's also forgotten what he's doing at the rally.

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"What are you doing here today?

Because... I forgot."

Sian is 6. She's in favour of independence because her friends are also supporting the Yes campaign.

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"Mostly all my friends vote Yes so I vote Yes."

And what's Farrell, 4, doing at the rally? He's very serious in his answer.

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"I drived here."

And he thinks Scotland should have independence because, well, some of them want it.

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"Because we want to."

Meanwhile Declan, 6, is not entirely certain why he's here, but he's pretty sure he doesn't like England.

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"We want to get rid of... (hushed tone) is it England?"

OK yes, he really doesn't like England.

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"I'm excited because I'm finally getting rid of England!"

Although he might be slightly more excited about getting a couple of days off school.

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"No! I have Thursday and Friday off!"

Then there's Francesca, 6, who's pretty patriotic about it all. This vote is for Scotland, she says.

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"Because it's our country and I want to support my country."

And Callum, 10, is just unimpressed with London.

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"Because we feel like London just wants our money."

And Elly, 9, is maybe the most honest about it all. Yes throws parties so it wins.

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But she admits that she'll miss England's architecture.

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So why are they supporting Yes? Sian's celebrating her birthday on the day the results are in and says it's simple. If Scotland becomes independent, it'll be the greatest country EVER.

Siraj Datoo / BuzzFeed News