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Ed Miliband Tripped While Coming Off The Stage

And that's probably what you'll remember from his performance tonight.

Ed Miliband stumbled and nearly fell off the stage after getting grilled by the Question Time audience.

BBC Question Time

And it's safe to say that people noticed.

Liked Ed's tiny trip on the way out. Reminded me of his lovable inner klutz.

Some suggested that it's just part of Ed's personality: He's a little clumsy, just like the rest of us.

It could only be ed Miliband that can trip getting off the stage. #bbcqt

Pretty brutal. I know I shouldn't, but at times I've felt sorry for all three of them. #bbcqt Geeks stumble, his trip very human.

And one emoji sums it up: πŸ˜‚

Did that really happen πŸ˜‚ #leadersdebate

Did Ed Miliband trip going off the stage there? #bbcqt πŸ˜‚πŸ‘

Did anyone see Ed Miliband trip?πŸ˜‚πŸ˜­ #bbcqt

Yes Ed we all saw that trip off the stage πŸ˜‚ #bbcqt

And the audience didn't even try to hide their laughter.

Here they are closer up. Just zero attempt to pretend they didn't find it hilarious.