Half Of All Green Party Members Voted For The Lib Dems In The Last Election

    Meanwhile, about a quarter of them voted for Labour in 2010. There were also 11 people who voted for UKIP.

    Nearly half of all Green party members voted for the Liberal Democrats in the last general election in 2010.

    BuzzFeed News obtained the results of an internal survey conducted by the Green party.

    All party members, 44,000 at the time, received an email inviting them to take part in the survey and a little under 4,500 members responded. This means the survey results should be interpreted with some caution and should not be seen as definitive.

    Although there have been many assumptions that Labour has been haemorrhaging support to the Greens, the party's survey does not reflect this. Of those who responded, nearly half voted for the Liberal Democrats at the last election.

    This suggests that a number of the respondents were younger party members who may be disenchanted with the Lib Dems' failure to deliver on the pledge to abolish tuition fees.

    While just under a quarter of the respondents voted for the Green party in 2010, another quarter voted for Labour.

    3.1% of those who responded also voted for the Conservatives at the last election. Particularly interesting is that 11 new party members defected from UKIP, suggesting that some voters are looking to the Greens as a protest vote.

    In the last 12 months, the party's membership has more than quadrupled, going from 13,000 members to 55,000.

    This dramatic rise in membership was quickly dubbed the 'Green surge', which has now stabilised to about 100 new members a day, according to Matthew Butcher, a Green party spokesman.

    There has been much curiosity about which party the new members previously voted for, if they voted at all.

    There have been suggestions that a disastrous radio interview by Natalie Bennett last month – where she was unable to recall how the party would pay for new policy – might negatively affect the party's membership rise.

    But despite the performance, the party actually received a larger than normal rise, 68%, that day. It has been suggested this is due to the perception that the media have been unfairly negative towards the party.