David Cameron Accidentally Said The Conservatives "Resent" The Poor

    Talk about a Freudian slip.

    David Cameron addressed the Conservative party conference on Wednesday in a keynote speech that looked to secure core voters while also reaching out to the poorest in society.

    But it all went a little wrong for the prime minister when he appeared to say that the party "resents" hard-working people.

    Siraj Datoo / BuzzFeed News

    And the internet was quick to latch on to the mistake.

    So when David Cameron says something like "The Tories resent the poor", never a truer word has been spoken.

    Was it just his mind saying what he really thinks?

    Just heard about Cameron's Freudian slip earlier. Very funny. I resent the Tories.

    One person even used the opportunity to call Cameron a weevil, which is probably the best way to swear at a prime minister.

    Just when you thought you couldn't loathe Cameron any more he helps you out with his 'resent the poor' Freudian slip. What a weevil.