25 Things You Do Every Day That Are Secretly Very Brave

    Life doesn't get easier. You just get stronger.

    1. When you voice your opinion on something you really care about.

    2. When you let yourself feel how you feel, instead of holding it all in.

    3. When you ask someone for help, even though your ego is begging you not to.

    4. When you meet and talk with someone face-to-face instead of through text and email.

    5. When you face an uncomfortable issue you've been trying to avoid.

    6. When you make a list of all the things you've been putting off and check them off one by one.

    7. When you stick up for someone who's being picked on.

    8. When you start up a conversation with a stranger.

    9. When you say yes to something you really want.

    10. When you say no to something you really don't want, even though it's going to upset people around you.

    11. When you cook a food you've never tried before.

    12. When you stand up for yourself and your values.

    13. When you're the first to reach out and say I'm sorry.

    14. When you accept that you just can't control everything, even though that thought makes you anxious.

    15. When you willingly ask for feedback.

    16. When you speak up and ask a question.

    17. When you give yourself a compliment.

    18. When you don't react negatively to criticism.

    19. When you stop doing everything you can to make yourself busy.

    20. When you dine out by yourself, in spite of what people will think about you.

    21. When you set boundaries and stick to them.

    22. When you take a second to laugh at yourself.

    23. When you celebrate your successes.

    24. When you decide to forgive yourself for a mistake you made in the past.

    25. When you acknowledge your fear and are no longer ashamed of it.