22 Reasons Boston Marathon Runners Are Freaking Amazing

    #BostonStrong: not just a hashtag. Incredible job, guys.

    1. In case you haven't heard, the Boston Marathon is today!

    2. And here is what the weather forecast is.

    3. Rain? What rain? More than 30,000 people woke up this morning to run the race anyway.

    4. Because a little rain and wind and cold temps and general weather miserableness weren't going to stop them. They had a marathon to run!

    5. A marathon is 26.2 miles long, btw.

    6. That's 105.5 laps around a regulation-size competitive running track.

    7. Not to mention, in the Boston Marathon, mile 21 is what they call "Heartbreak Hill."

    8. Did we mention that it's cold, and wet, and windy, and unpleasant?

    9. Like, really unpleasant.

    10. Some people are straight-up wearing ponchos out there.

    11. But they're still smiling.

    12. And enthusiastically braving the elements (and the distance).

    13. And really, truly kicking ass.

    14. I mean, look at them go.

    15. Slick roads? Pshhh.

    16. They've worked so hard to get here, and now they're pushing themselves to cross that finish line.

    17. And even though the weather sucks and the run is LONG and HARD, these marathoners are pumped.

    18. And psyched.

    19. And totally committed.

    20. And proud as hell to be there.

    21. Regardless of time or pace, they're all freaking superstars.

    22. Truly defining what it means to be #BostonStrong.


    Lelisa Desisa ran the marathon in 2:09:17. An earlier version of this post misstated the time. We also replaced the photo for item #22. An earlier version of this post showed a picture from a previous marathon.