21 Things That Late Bloomers Will Never Understand

    Like being a foot taller than any kid you had a crush on.

    We all know how much puberty sucks.

    But it can be especially shitty for all the people who went through it way before everyone else.

    This is for those people.

    1. First, you were super confused about why your body was starting to change when no one else's was.

    2. Your sudden growth spurt put you about a foot taller than any kid you had a crush on.

    3. And sharing clothes with friends was pretty much out of the question.

    4. You always had the same conversation at every family gathering about how BIG you'd gotten and how GROWN UP you look for your age.

    5. You started thinking about sex when the majority of your friends still believed in cooties.

    Hormones. RAGING hormones.

    6. And you felt like ~doing things~ that didn't quite make sense yet.

    7. You grew pubic/underarm/everything hair at an alarming rate.

    8. So you had to start shaving before anyone else did.

    9. And you looked about 10x older than all your other classmates and friends.

    10. You became well versed in all things face wash and acne cream.

    11. Also deodorant, which you never really knew about and now DESPERATELY NEEDED ALWAYS.

    12. You developed boobs and they began to sabotage your life.

    Girls always say they want big boobs. I have big boobs. They aren't fun. They hurt. And they never fit into cute clothes. #boobssuck

    13. So you did drastic things to cover them up and hide them from the world.

    14. And as hard as you fought, your mom forced you to wear a bra.

    15. Locker rooms became your worst nightmare.

    16. You got your period before you even had your first Sex Ed class.

    17. And you became an expert at tampon/pad hiding techniques.

    18. You really wished your friends would stop throwing damn pool parties for their birthdays!

    19. Your parents wanted to have weird, awkward conversations that your friends hadn't been forced to have yet.

    20. And you were moody AF because because it was like NO ONE understood what you were going through... and also hormones.

    21. But eventually you realized, you were just a little ahead of the game in terms of awesomeness. That's all.