Here's How To Actually Go Running When It's Hot AF

    *sees mirage*

    Exercising in the heat is serious business — proper hydration, sunblock, and paying close attention to how you're feeling as you go are all essential. Be sure to check with your doctor before exercising in the heat. And if you feel dizzy, extra thirsty, faint, disoriented, fatigued or sleepy, or if you're barely peeing, are nauseated or vomiting or having cramps or diarrhea, stop exercising, get out of the sun and heat, and seek medical attention immediately.

    1. Apply sunscreen 15 minutes before going outdoors.

    2. Drink just the right amount of water.

    Most of us are hyper aware of drinking enough water when it's super hot out, but you can also drink too much water and wash away the electrolytes your body needs to function properly. This is called hyponatremia and it's just as dangerous as dehydration.

    The American College of Sports Medicine recommends staying hydrated with the guidelines below.


    Drink 16 to 20 ounces of fluids


    Drink eight to 12 ounces of fluids


    Drink three to eight ounces of fluid every 15 to 20 minutes during exercise.


    Drink three to eight ounces of a sport beverage every 15 to 20 minutes during exercise.

    Don't drink more than one quart of fluid during exercise.

    The American Heart Association explains that for most exercisers water is enough to keep you hydrated but some people, especially those going super hard or exercising for a long period of time when it's hot may need a sports drink to replenish electrolytes and carbohydrates lost.

    3. Put baby powder on the bridge of your nose to prevent your glasses from slipping off your sweaty face.

    You can also put some on the sides of your nose where the nose pieces hit.

    4. Lower your body temperature with a fan, air conditioning, or ice before you run.

    5. Drink a pre-run slushie.

    6. Plan your route by where the water fountains are.

    7. Or bring water with you using a bottle holder made from a tube sock.

    Watch the full video here for instructions.

    8. If you're a salty sweater, add salt to your water or sports drink.

    9. Make a DIY cooling collar.

    In one study participants tolerated higher body temperatures during workouts in the heat when they wore a cooling collar.

    You can make your own (instructions here) or buy one.

    10. Ditch your tracker or GPS watch and simply run by effort.

    11. Make sure your sunblock can handle all your sweat.

    12. Run before or after the sun rises.

    13. Reduce blisters with the right socks.

    14. Make sure your sneakers are big enough.

    15. Pour cold water on your head while you're running.

    16. Add mileage and intensity gradually to give yourself time to get used to the heat.

    17. And just slow down in general.

    18. Freeze a water bottle. And put it in your sports bra.

    The Hydro Pocket is a sports bra with a built-in water bottle pocket. If you freeze the bottle first you'll have not only a hands-free hydration option but a nice cold frozen bottle cooling you as you go. Get it here.

    19. Wear UV-blocking sunglasses because FYI you can get a sunburn on your eyeball.

    Sorry to be the bearer of bad tidings but according to the American Optometric Association (AOA) eyeball sunburns can happen if you're exposed to lots of UV rays over a short period of time. They don't cause longterm damage but they're painful and unpleasant, causing excessive tearing, redeye, and sensitivity to light. But it's actually over the long term that UV rays can really be damaging to the eyes, harming the retina and increasing chances of developing cataracts.

    The AOA says that sunglasses should block 99 to 100 percent of both UV-A and UV-B radation and screen 75 to 90 percent of visible light. The lenses should be made from polycarbonate or Trivex which, being more durable, are suited to fast-paced activities when there's a chance the shades could hit the ground.

    Here are shades on the less expensive side of things.

    20. Get off the sidewalk and onto a trail.

    21. Soak your feet in cold water as soon as you get home.

    22. Make a homemade gel ice pack with water, rubbing alcohol, and Ziploc bags.

    23. And apply them to your cheeks, palms, and the soles of your feet.

    Stay safe and happy warm-weather running!