This Quick Full-Body Workout Leaves No Muscle Behind

    All you need is dumbbells and 30 minutes for a workout that challenges your whole body with an emphasis on your abs.

    This workout has two parts: Circuit A (the full-body workout) and Circuit B (the targeted core circuit).

    Here's how it works:

    1. Do 5 complete rounds of Circuit A, resting 60 seconds after each round.

    2. Do 3 rounds of Circuit B, resting 60 seconds after each round.

    3. You've completed the Full-Body + Core workout!

    Circuit A:

    Do 8 reverse lunges (per side):

    Do 8 single-arm kneeling overhead presses (per side):

    Do 8 lying hyperextensions:

    Do 8 split stance bent-over single-arm rows (per side):

    Do 8 standing calf raises:

    Circuit B:

    Do 10 to 12 reverse crunches:

    Do 10 to 12 rocking planks:

    Do 10 to 12 bicycle crunches:

    A few things to know about this workout:

    • This workout is part of BuzzFeed's Get Fit Summer Challenge — four weeks worth of strength and cardio workouts designed by trainer Jessi Kneeland of ReModel Fitness, along with four weeks worth of healthy recipes customized to your caloric needs. Learn how to do the challenge here and jump into it anytime.

    • When selecting which dumbbells to start with, there's a simple rule of thumb: Choose a weight you can lift with perfect form for the number of reps prescribed plus one or two more. If you think you can do more than two additional reps with perfect form, you should go up in weight.

    • The dumbbell exercises can be done as bodyweight-only exercises if they're too challenging to do as written (or if you don't have access to weights).

    Special thanks to our fitness models Noelle Nieva and Josh Martinez, and to Rogue Fitness for providing dumbbells.

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