• Election 2015 badge

The Early Stages Of The Election Coverage Featured An Awful Lot Of Men

The evening began with a lot of white male opinions.

As coverage of election night began, British viewers noticed something missing: women.

Your answer to why many young people aren't interested in politics is on BBC One right now #oldmen #GE2015

On the BBC, the screen was dominated by four white men.

4 grey haired, middle aged, white men on BBC 1 Scotland's election coverage. Time's 'a-changin, boys! The women are on their way to WM.

There were lots of male opinions being shared.

BBC coverage seems to be women reporting and men sharing their opinions with each other.

People were quick to highlight the, erm, diversity.

Thank goodness those white men telling us things on the BBC are wearing different coloured ties

This is pretty much what it looked like for most of the start of the evening.

Election 2015. White middle aged men arguing.

Side note: The caption above is fake, but pretty accurate tbh.

Three seats into the evening, there was an all-female parliament – but still very few women on TV.

Status report: 100% women MPs. 0% women on BBC election coverage.

The only women on the BBC coverage are THE THREE MPs ELECTED SO FAR. Maybe talk to them?

But it wasn't just the BBC – Channel 4 was targeted by viewers over its lack of women too.

6:16 ratio of Women:Men on channel 4's alternative election coverage. Fairly representative of the political system then.. @EverydaySexism

Dear Channel 4 - you have forgotten to put ANY WOMEN AT ALL on your election show. So that's fucking shit. #Election2015

Channel 4's Alternative Election Night so far consists of three white men talking on a stage

Channel 4 advert says it'll be the 'most unpredictable election in decades' then in the next breath 'which of these two men...' Same old!

This here alternative election night on channel 4 is already amusing, but where are the women? Have I missed them?

And when the BBC finally did diversify its panel with the introduction of Samira Ahmed, this happened...

Brilliant. Dimbleby gets Samira Ahmed's name wrong. Probably due to the shock of having to discuss politics on the BBC w/ a woman of colour.

So, Dimbleby goes to a non-white woman to let her report, and gets her name wrong. The white man who follows? He gets his name right. Obv.