Britain's MPs Are Currently Debating "Puppies And Kittens"

    It's the debate the nation's talking about.

    Right now the House of Commons is busy debating "puppies and kittens".

    Some people don't think parliament should be concerned about puppies and kittens, especially given the ongoing crises in Ukraine, Syria, Iraq, almost everywhere...

    ...Oh, and the Scottish independence referendum.

    Scotland faces its biggest decision in 300 years - Westminster is debating puppies and kittens. #indyref #YouYesYet?

    And some people just can't decide between puppies and kittens, which is like "Daddy or chips?" but harder.

    They are debating puppies and kittens in Parliament. Really they are

    Still, the debate is revealing a lot about the private canine habits of MPs such as Tory MP Alec Shelbrooke:

    Alec Shelbrooke has just revealed that his dogs are called Boris & Maggie, and that Boris behaved much better after he had him castrated.

    The debate is actually about a proposed law, introduced by backbench MP Rob Flello, to regulate the sale of puppies and kittens in pet shops effectively. You can read more about it here.