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The Teen Who Asked The Question In The Leaders' Debate Gives Us His Verdict

Natalie Bennett? "She has good intentions," 17-year-old Jonny Tudor told BuzzFeed News.

We all know who the real winner of the debate was: Jonny Tudor, the young politics student who grilled the UK's party leaders.

And don't worry about post-debate polls – instead, BuzzFeed News caught up with The Tude afterwards to get the real verdict.

Perhaps not surprisingly, Tudor wants to be a politician when he's older.

He's planning to study politics and history at the University of Oxford – "definitely not Cambridge" – and has already worked in parliament on work experience for Tory MP Rebecca Harris.

His verdict on each of the leaders was:

David Cameron: "David Cameron is a strong, well-intentioned leader and he did very well tonight. He seemed like a prime minister."

Ed Miliband: "I've not always been a fan of Ed Miliband but, to be fair, he was fairly impressive tonight. He sounded like he knew his stuff. Well done."

Nicola Sturgeon: "I didn't know much about her before the debate, but I was impressed. She reacted very well to the other leaders, and she made the SNP seem like a real UK-wide force rather than just a Scottish one."

Leanne Wood: "She just spoke about Wales."

Nick Clegg: "He did well – he put forward a strong, sensible middle way."

Natalie Bennett: "She has good intentions."

Nigel Farage: "Controversial."

But if he was old enough to vote? "Conservative, definitely."

As for the rest of us, we're all firmly on Team Tudor.

Jonny Tudor's approval rating #leadersdebate