This Is What It's Like To Be Called "Tory Scum" At The Conservative Conference

    There's a lot of anger.

    This is the reaction from protesters if you try to walk into the Conservative party conference in Manchester.

    Dozens of protesters lined the route into the Tory conference in Manchester to shout out delegates and journalists entering the venue. When BuzzFeed News visited on Sunday afternoon with our media pass we were called "wanker", "paedophile", and "scumbag".

    A huge rally of over 60,000 greeted Conservative party members and journalists as the four-day conference got underway on Sunday, with many protesters holding up placards featuring pig-based puns, singing songs about David Cameron "fucking off back to Eton", and wearing Anonymous-influenced Guy Fawkes masks.

    Although the march was largely peaceful, many protesters were furious at both Conservative delegates and journalists.

    During the day three reporters were spat at by members of the crowd, including Channel 4 political correspondent Michael Crick, who posted this spit selfie to Twitter.

    Anarchists shout "Tory scum" at us as we enter Conservative conference, and I was spat at

    The Telegraph's Kate McCann was led away from the crowd by police for fear of getting attacked.

    Police officer has me and @owenjbennett protected. Says we can't leave this area because "you're going to get lynched in a minute"

    Young Conservative Colm Lock was pelted with an egg.

    Tory delegate meets egg at #TakeBackMCR

    Many protesters didn't seem to differentiate between politicians, delegates, and journalists.

    Powerful scenes of protest at #toryconf. Makes you think.

    This protester flicked the Vs at BuzzFeed News for six minutes straight.

    However, local police said the protest was largely peaceful, and only four arrests were made during the day.

    Ch Supt O'Hare said: "The overwhelming majority of people have exercised their democratic right to protest with dignity and good grace."

    By the evening, a few hundred protesters were left – with a small group of them gathered at the gates to shout at people going inside.

    When BuzzFeed News tried to ask some of the protesters why they were there, the police told us to move on for our own safety. Before we left, the protesters had called us "Slytherin bastards", oinked at us, and told us to "enjoy your pig".