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24 Times UKIP Went Too Damn Far In 2014

Remember when gay marriage caused torrential rain?

1. When they tried to hold a "diversity carnival" and it was the most spectacularly ill-fated attempt to look not racist ever.

2. When they put up a campaign poster next to an advert for tents which inadvertently supported UKIP's immigration policy.

Unfortunate UKIP ad placement. Via @willie_dunn.

3. When this man at the UKIP conference insisted that Britain stopped being great in the late 19th century.

4. When UKIP candidate William Henwood said Lenny Henry should just go ahead and emigrate to a "black country".

5. When a UKIP activist made this amazing "we're not racist" closet to prove once and for all that UKIP isn't racist.


6. They also created this faintly disturbing swivel-eyed David Cameron mascot.


7. When Nigel Farage claimed he was late for a UKIP meeting because immigrants had caused congestion on the M4.

“@alanmills405: #ukiptravel warning! ” Farage thinks traffic jams created by immigrants

8. When a UKIP activist confused Westminster Cathedral for a mosque and got very angry about it, leading everyone to tweet #ThingsThatAreNotMosques.

#ThingsThatAreNotMosques @Nigel_Farage

9. When UKIP councillor David Silvester blamed storms and heavy floods across Britain on the government's decision to legalise gay marriage.

10. When Nigel Farage criticised "ostentatious breastfeeding" in public places, which people speculated might look something like this.

The miraculous lactation of St. Bernard - surely the best example of #ostentatiousbreastfeeding #magic

11. When a UKIP spokeperson said UKIP activists in Rochester had been banned from talking to the media because they were "too UKIP-y".

12. When DJ and UKIP activist Mike Read recorded "The UKIP Calypso", which had to be withdrawn because it was so incredibly offensive.

View this video on YouTube

13. When UKIP attracted the enormously unwelcome support of ex-BNP leader Nick Griffin.

Vote #UKIP to kick Cameron...but don't be fooled by Toryboy Nigel.

14. When Nigel Farage blanked the son of God.

15. When David Coburn MEP got upset about the UKIP Trumpton parody account and demanded that people reported the imaginary town.

another fake account has emerged @Trumpton_UKIP - please block/report

16. When Mark Reckless claimed that he wasn't anti-Europe because he forces his children to watch DVDs in French.

17. When Nigel Farage used the same excuse as Michael from I'm Alan Partridge for using the word "chinky".

18. When UKIP councillor Suzanne Evans said the party was doing badly in London because the people there are too "educated and cultured".

19. When UKIP MEP Gerard Batten said British Muslims should have to sign a special code of conduct to abstain from violence, and wore this suit.

20. When UKIP MEP Janice Atkinson called a Thai constituent of hers a "ting tong".

21. When Nigel Farage said working mothers are worth less than men.

22. When former UKIP MEP Godfrey Bloom, who once complained about aid being sent to “Bongo Bongo Land”, quit the party because it was becoming too “politically correct”.

23. When councillor Donna Edmunds said businesses should be able to refuse services to women and gay people.

24. When David Coburn MEP said Scottish people need to have more children, and made this face.

The picture of UKIP MEP David Coburn on the front of the Edinburgh Evening News today. You elected this guy:

Happy new year, UKIP. We're already looking forward to 2015.