Scottish Parents Are Naming Their Children "Freedom" And "Indy"

    The independence referendum seems to have inspired Scottish parents.

    Two children were named Freedom in Scotland in 2014 – the year Scotland voted in an independence referendum.

    In fact, the referendum seems to have inspired many Scottish parents, according to new information from the National Records of Scotland.

    Twenty-two children were named Indie, along with four called Indy and one called Indie-Rose.

    Twenty-six girls were called Alba, which is the Gaelic word for Scotland.

    One child, in what was hopefully a misspelled tribute to Scotland's first minister, Nicola Sturgeon, was called Spurgeon.

    There was a Saimond, too.

    It wasn't all pro-independence though – one baby was called London.

    There are also now three children in Scotland called Khaleesi and one called Khal.

    There was one baby called Daiquiri, and one called T.

    But the best is probably one Scottish baby who has been named Hiya.