Nick Clegg Really Doesn't Like Sitting Next To David Cameron Any More

    PMQs is wearing pretty thin for the deputy prime minister after five years on the government benches. Don't worry, Nick – only two sessions left...

    2010: With the coalition newly formed, Clegg is in high spirits. "Take that, Labour! Me and Dave are in charge!"

    "Oh Dave. You're just so good at this."

    "Yeah – the coalition rules."

    2011: Things are going pretty great and he's loving it. "Miliband, you plonker!"

    "Stop it, Dave, you're cracking me up!"

    2012: Oh dear, something's changed. "Maybe you could stop going on about Conservative policies so much."

    "Well, this is awkward."

    2013: "Not sure I actually want to be here now."

    2014: Cameron's just ramping up those Tory messages. "This is excruciating."

    "I wish he'd stop going on about that bloody long-term economic plan."

    "Please. Stop talking."

    "In fact, stuff this. I'm not sitting there for the autumn statement. Danny can do it instead."

    "OK fine, I'll come back. But I'm not sitting next to him."

    2015: Gearing up for the election. "Maybe if I just stare at the ceiling people won't notice I'm here."

    "Seriously, how much longer do I have to do this for?"

    "Wonder what we're having for supper tonight."

    "That bench over there looks mighty appealing."