• Election 2015 badge

The Internet Is Flipping Out Over Ed Miliband Carving His Pledges In Stone

Even The Thick of It wouldn't have gone this far.

As you may have heard, Ed Miliband has unveiled an eight-foot-high stone slab carved with Labour's election pledges.

The stone will be placed in the Downing Street garden or at Labour's headquarters if Miliband wins power. But it started life in this Hastings car park.

Here is the Labour tablet of stone. In the background: a Green Party poster and a horse. #ge2015

The limestone monument has prompted sheer incredulity online.

"Ed, we could, like...carve it? In stone?" "Yeah! Ed!" "Hey, I just realised! We're both Ed!" "Dude!" "I'm so wasted right now." #milistoned

“Great campaign. Polls fine. Ed’s shaken useless/weird image. Tories rattled. All we need now is a gigantic pledge monolith and we’re there”

There are no words to describe how utterly fucking stupid this Miliband stone idea is. The guy is nuts. Heaven help us if he gets in

'the heaviest suicide note in history' #EdStone

After all: "There's such a fine line between stupid and clever."

Couldn't be happier election can be told with lines from Spinal Tap #edstone http://t.co/AQm2oNeXhr

It reminded a fair few people of Moses, the recipient of the Ten Commandments.

Perhaps the stone slab is Ed's way of praying to God for a miracle. #Edstone

Cameron may pass a law forbidding himself from raising taxes, but Miliband is going Old Testament with his pledges.

It also sparked memories of the opening scene from 2001: A Space Odyssey.

That #EdStone reminds me of something.

This scene basically sums up how the internet is reacting to Miliband's stone slab.

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It wasn't long before a meme was born.

There were a few hashtags doing the rounds. #EdStone isn't an entirely positive one for Labour.

I'm hearing #Labour have plans to move a giant abacus into the Treasury as well. #EdStone #EdHenge #Milimonument #flintstones

Even Neil Kinnock drew the line at an 8ft headstone. #EdStone

And, inevitably, there were puns.

#Milimonument getting a rocky reception, but I guess #Labour just wanted to try a boulder approach.

I'm surprised CCHQ haven't yet attacked Miliband for planning to take Britain "back to the Stone Age". #EdStone

Is @Ed_Miliband between a rock & a hard place or what? #GE2015 #Milimonument

But hang on, haven't we seen a pledge carved into rock before?

Wonder who's idea it was? Seems Salmond is already running Labour #EdStone

Either way, it reminded many of The Thick of It. Even the show's writer.

Ed Miliband builds a policy cenotaph. And you wonder why we stopped doing The Thick Of It.