How To Actually Ask For What You Want During Sex

    In this week's Sex Q&A, we asked a therapist how to deal when things are kinda boring in bed.

    Welcome to the BuzzFeed Sex Q&A, where you can ask us your awkward, confusing, gross, embarrassing, or thought-provoking questions, and we'll provide answers from leading sexual health experts. Have a question about sex or sexual health? Send it to

    This week's question: How can I get that *good* sex back?

    It's totally normal for sex to fall into a routine in long-term relationships. Still, it sucks.

    Keep in mind that any change in your sex life might have to do with some deeper emotional or relationship stuff.

    Also, BDSM requests can be particularly tricky for some people.

    So here's how to ask for what you want (without destroying your partner's ego):

    And here's how to ask what they want and fantasize about (without making them feel super uncomfortable and awkward):

    Do you have a question you want answered by our sex experts? Email us at

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