23 Photos That Are Basically You On Your Period

    Nothing to see here, just bleeding from my vagina.

    1. When you know it's coming:

    2. When you don't know why you're crying:

    3. When you're actually a little relieved:

    4. When the cramps kick in and you're expected to do things:

    5. When you pull out the period underwear:

    6. When you just want to be alone with your menstrual pain:

    7. When it's Day Two:

    8. When you accidentally snapped at your best friend:

    9. When your partner doesn't get it:

    10. When you log on to Facebook:

    11. When you want a light snack:

    12. When your insides are actually revolting:

    13. When you try to text:

    14. When you're feeling v hormonal:

    15. When everything hurts:

    16. When you're prepared for whatever:

    17. When you play this dangerous game:

    18. When you go searching for answers:

    19. When you ovary-acted:

    20. When someone asks, "What, are you on your period?"

    21. When you're just being honest:

    22. When you've had it with everything. Literally.

    23. When you thought it was over...but no: