23 Struggles People With Small Bladders Know All Too Well

    Restrooms for customers only? Guess I'll buy this pack of gum, then.

    1. Ignore this rule at your own peril.

    2. Otherwise, concerts can be heartbreaking.

    3. And public restrooms can be a true nuisance.

    4. Being pregnant makes everything about fifty million times more difficult.

    Just drank best part of a litre of water because I feel really thirsty. Think this'll be a mistake at 12, 2am, 3am, 4am... #pregnancybladder

    5. "Staying hydrated" may sound healthy, but you're skeptical.

    6. Breaking the seal has a whole other meaning.

    7. Bartenders and waiters clear your place before you're done.

    8. And you lose your seat at the bar all the time.

    9. You end up buying a LOT of things you don't need or want.

    The sign says "restrooms are for customers only" so I guess I should order something. (@ Twin Peaks Tavern) http://t.co/prydhFFakk

    10. This injustice.

    11. That awful moment when you realize that you've got a full bladder and the next exit on this highway is 19 miles away.

    Currently pulled over on the side of the road with my best friend as we take turns peeing in the woods bc we both had to go so bad 😂

    12. Laughing can be a dangerous proposition.

    13. Doing the pee dance can only get you so far.

    14. Sleeping in on weekends? What's that?

    15. Screw the journey. The destination is all that matters, as well as finding a bathroom immediately when you get there.

    16. Three words: BUMPY CAR RIDES.

    17. Your sweet nothings come with caveats.

    18. You need to have incredibly good aim... or else.

    19. You feel like Kendrick Lamar's lyrics could use some tweaking, honestly.

    Thirsty *DRANK* Ok *DRANK* All Done *DRANK* Gotta Pee *DRANK* Please Stop *DRANK* Dear God *DRANK* Dyin' *DRANK* Dyin' *DRANK*

    20. Jumpsuits are impossible.

    I'm wearing a jumpsuit today, so yes, I will be holding my pee until I get home.

    21. And so is road tripping.

    TMI Tweet: 4 girls. Road tripping. We average about 45minutes btwn stops. It's cool. #smallbladderproblems

    22. Some people have no sympathy and are actual literal monsters.

    23. And then there's this nightmare.

    When you settle into bed, get all comfy, the bed warmed up and it's all just I could doze off that it hits you. Gotta pee. Damnit!