This Depression Makeup Tutorial Perfectly Sums Up Mental Illness Stigma

    "Cover up all your blemishes using the shade denial and emotional repression."

    In this new parody video, YouTuber Amy Geliebter uses a makeup tutorial to speak up about the reality of living with depression.

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    She previously tackled bisexual stereotypes in a similar video.

    Geliebter begins by priming her face just like any other makeup tutorial video... Except not.

    Geliebter told BuzzFeed Health, "Mental health is always talked about in an academic way. I think to be able to talk about it in a way that’s funny and relatable helps more people feel not alone."

    "I grew up in a family that really prioritized humor above everything else, so that’s always been how I’ve coped with my depression," she said. "It really helps me to laugh at the darker parts of my life."

    Geliebter hopes that people who have no personal experience with depression will get a glimpse of what it feels like to live with it on a daily basis.

    "I hope people watching it know that they’re not alone and that there are always people out there who know what you’re going through," she said.

    Check out more of Geliebter’s videos here.