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Martin Freeman

21 Things That Need To Happen At Comic-Con 2014

Benedict Cumberbatch! Frozen's Elsa! And (hopefully) first looks at Game of Thrones' Sand Snakes and the Justice League of America. Here's our wish list for 2014's San Diego Comic-Con, running from July 23–27.

15 Super-Long Movies With The Biggest Box Office Debuts

The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug made less in its opening weekend than the first Hobbit movie, but it's still one of the most successful box office debuts for a movie longer than 160 minutes.

Which Version Of Sherlock Holmes Is Your Favorite?

Use these handy diagrams to decide! Tumblr artist Baker took three popular versions of the British detective — Granada circa 1984, Robert Downey Jr. circa 2009, and BBC circa 2011 — and illustrated the differences.

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