• animaljp badge

大好きな人に会えて大喜びするワンちゃんたち 心が洗われる…


1. 「犬が行方不明になってから2週間以上。やっと再会した時の反応を見ると笑顔になっちゃうよ」

PURE JOY: A woman and her dog are reunited at a fireworks celebration after the dog went missing for over two weeks, and their reactions are sure to put a smile on your face! https://t.co/UOdubLrUgM

2. 「預けてたうちの子を引き取りに行った時の様子」

In honour of #NationalMuttDay, here's a video of what happens when I pick up my mutt Boogie from the Petropolitan doggie daycare. (Rescuing our dog and cat is the best thing we've ever done. You should do it too.)


3. 「出張から帰った時の様子をご覧ください」

I just got home from a work trip. Please enjoy my reunion with the dogs

4. 「僕と会う時、人にもこうやって喜んでほしいわ」

If you ain’t as excited to see me as my dog then fuck out my face

5. 「一週間ぶりに会ったら超嬉しそう😂❤️」

Haven't seen one of my family friends dog in a week and this how excited he was to see me😂❤️

6. 「実家に帰ってきて、久しぶりに散歩に連れてったらずっとこっち見てる」

So I’ve come back home from uni and today I took my dog on our first walk together since being back and he won’t stop looking up at me like this

7. 「この男性は、闘犬になる運命からこのピットブルを救った。ふたりが再会すると…」

This man rescued this pitbull from being a bait dog and this is them being reunited. (For anyone having a bad day)

8. 「僕に会えて嬉しすぎたらしく、フェンス壊した」

the dogs I look after were a bit too excited to see me. rip gate

9. 「火事から救出され、重い火傷を負っていた犬が、自分の命を救ってくれた獣医と再会したら…」

Smokey, a dog rescued from a fire with severe burns, was reunited with the veterinarian who saved his life...

10. 「うちの犬が僕に会ったとき、どれだけ興奮するか見て😭🥰」

Everybody look how excited my dog was to see me 😭🥰

11. 「2カ月ぶりに会うから、隠れて驚かすことにした」

I haven’t seen Yeti in two months so I decided to hide and surprise her when I got home and she was SO excited to see me I almost cried!!!! we don’t deserve dogs!!!!


12. 「私が帰宅した時の犬の反応😂❤️」

@ellhaworth @sierrafagon My dog when i went home😂❤️

この記事は英語から翻訳・編集しました。 翻訳:髙橋李佳子