
    ツアー「The Eras Tour」の南米公演をスタートした歌手テイラー・スウィフト。アルゼンチンの首都ブエノスアイレスの公演で、観客にある“お願い”をする場面が、話題になりました。

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    Older woman looking angry



    Someone jumped on stage at the end of tonight’s show in Los Angeles.

    This is a reminder that this behavior is unacceptable. Sending all our love to Ava and her crew. pic.twitter.com/Rs0IFSn2Xp

    — Ava Max Source (@SourceAvaMax) June 21, 2023
    Twitter: @SourceAvaMax
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    Pink onstage looking shocked


    Close-up of Taylor performing onstage

    現在テイラーは、ツアー「The Eras Tour」で、南米各地をまわっています。

    Close-up of Taylor performing onstage



    🏟️| Taylor very kindly asking the crowd to not to throw things on stage 🫶 #BuenosAiresTSTheErasTour

    "And just because communication means having gentle healthy boundaries - it really freaks me out when stuff gets thrown on the stage. Because if it's on the stage then a dancer… pic.twitter.com/ZIY5Vxzajw

    — Taylor Swift Updates 🩵 (@swifferupdates) November 13, 2023
    Twitter: @swifferupdates


    Close-up of Taylor performing onstage at a piano


    Close-up of Taylor performing onstage at a piano


    Close-up of Taylor performing onstage at a piano

    この記事は英語から翻訳・編集しました。翻訳:大久保 拓哉

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