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1. ヘンテコな髪形にされました...

Man in a vehicle looking out of the front windshield with a short haircut

2. マジで「ツイてない」どころじゃない

A single screw lies in the center of an empty round stool with a wooden background

3. アボカドを食わしてくれよ〜

Person holding a ripe avocado cut in half, showcasing the seed and green flesh

4. 洗剤のフタはしっかり閉めてって言ったのに...

Washing machine leaks on floor in a utility room; laundry items and detergent nearby

5. 後部座席に置いていた荷物が…

Cracked car windshield viewed from inside, focusing on damage near rearview mirror

6. まな板が溶けた。これは事件です

melted baking sheet inside an oven

7. 泥まみれの道には気をつけて…

Person standing in muddy terrain with mud-covered boots and lower legs

8. 焦げ焦げナイフ…切れ味は悪いです

Pile of hair with scissors on a countertop

9. 醤油だと思ったら…

person mixing up vanilla extract and soy sauce while cooking rice

10. 大!混!卵!

Person in a green shirt with a spilled condiment on it

11. 今日のステーキ、味が変だな...?

melted spatula on a stove

12. 充電器が充電口にはまって取れない…

Person holding a smartphone with a damaged charging port

13. ワッフルの中に“何か”が入っていました

Hand holding a half-eaten waffle with a single visible chocolate chip

14. 絵の具水か、お茶か。究極の2択

person who drank paint water instead of coffee

15. せっかく塗り直したドアが、鳥の糞まみれに…

A white outdoor table with leaf shadows and small debris scattered on the surface

16. お気に入りの服だったのに

Person showing side of waist, pulling up shirt to reveal elastic side of pants for adjustable fit

17. 「サンドイッチを食べるの、楽しみにしていたのに...」

A messy floor with a fallen sandwich, scattered cucumber slices, a cat litter box, and pink slippers

18. 絶対に開かないドア。ちなみに、家の玄関です

Hand holding a brass door knob and keys, with a door in the background
