• lol badge
  • WTF badge



1. あっちゃーー。こんなはずじゃなかったのに...

Backseat of a car with spilled party supplies, including a turquoise number 6 balloon, and a purple plush toy

2. ソファを移動させたいが、ピッタリで動かない...

Large flat-screen TV leaning against a wall supported by a couch, caption asking for ideas to remove it safely

3. 家まで無事に運べるはずだったのに

Text on image: "I have discovered the longest length of board I can fit in my car... apparently a hair shy of 10 feet!" Image shows a board through a car windshield

4. 道路にクーラーが落ちていた...

A damaged car with its front tire stuck in a pothole, causing the bumper to partially detach from the vehicle

5. いいか?枕は絶対に洗うなよ?

Washing machine overloaded with detergent, spilling over with suds and foam onto the floor

6. 車内が砂糖だらけになったんだが...

Spilled white beads covering a car floor and streaming out onto pavement from an opened vehicle door with boxes inside

7. 大事なとこだけないやん

Person wearing a sports watch, red and yellow gloves, and a glimpse of a bicycle handlebar

8. 床が抜け落ちるなんてこと...ある?

A damaged wooden deck with a sizable hole and a red chair visible below through the opening

9. やっぱインフレが一番怖い

A hand is lifting a slice from a cheese pizza inside a box, with one slice already removed

10. インプラントって高いんだぞ?

A close-up of a single tooth with a dental filling on a wooden surface

11. 僕の大事な愛車がぁあああ

SUV partially collapsed into a sinkhole near a muddy embankment, tow truck on site

12. 買ったときは気づかなかった...

Close-up of a white fabric with a horizontal pocket and small stains

13. 引っ越そうかな~

A bathtub filled with cloudy water, showing a shower attachment on the wall. No persons present

14. ミッキー型のパンケーキがホラーな仕上がりに

Pancake with smiley face design and embedded strawberries, partially eaten, on a plate with a fork

15. このゆで卵...変な味がするんだけど

Person holding a half-eaten boiled egg over a laptop keyboard

16. バーガーのトマト...シール付きだった

Cheeseburger with lettuce, tomato, and a sticker accidentally left on the cheese

17. 落ちて来たのは、鳥からの思いがけないプレゼントでした

Hand holding an ice cream cone filled with scoops of ice cream
