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1. トイレットペーパーを絶対に補充したくない彼氏 part1

An empty roll of toilet paper has been left on the holder, and the picture has been taken from the angle of someone sitting on the toilet

2. トイレットペーパーを絶対に補充したくない彼氏 part2

Instead of switching out the old roll and putting the new roll properly in its holder, the new roll has been stacked on top of the old

3. トイレットペーパー芯の墓地、建設中…

Instead of using one roll of toilet paper until it's gone, there are several partially used rolls stacked next to each other

4. 彼氏のキッチンの収納棚

A cabinet is full of jars and boxes that have fallen on their sides and been left that way

5. なんで??

A piece has been cut out of the pie that's so large it basically took half of the pie but cut it out of the middle

6. 吊るす用の輪っかがあるけど、タグにぶすっ

Instead of using the loop that's part of the towel to hang it up, it's instead hung by puncturing a hole in the tag

7. ウチの彼氏のティッシュの箱の開け方

Instead of using the built-in flap to get a tissue, the box has been torn open from the side

8. ピザは畳んで冷蔵庫に!???

The entire pizza has been folded in half

9. 彼氏「ピザ切ったよ」

The pizza has been sliced seemingly at random, with each of the slices having uneven sides and sizes

10. ソフトドリンクを飲みすぎな彼氏

A bin is full of plastic bottles, so a huge stack of other bottles have been thrown on the ground next to the bin

11. お掃除ロボットに頼りすぎな彼氏

The underside of the Roomba is covered with gross-looking wet cat food

12. 道の真ん中に駐車した彼氏

A car is parked in front of a stop sign and not next to a curb

この記事は英語から翻訳・編集しました。翻訳:大久保 拓哉