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1. 引っ越し作業中に、彼氏「キッチン用品は入れ終わったよ」

The items are thrown haphazardly into a single box

2. オレオミルクを飲み終わった彼氏、グラスを洗わず、そのまま水をゴクゴク

The glass of water has chunks of Oreo floating in it

3. ウチの彼氏のジェンガの片付け方

The Jenga pieces are put in the box randomly, so they don't fit together and are spilling out of the box

4. 彼氏「サンドイッチおいしいね」

Instead of eating the sandwich from the end, this man eats it like a corn on the cob

5. 1年で11個のスマホを破壊した彼氏

The 11 iPhones are lined up, all of them with badly cracked screens

6. フライパンを洗わず使い続ける彼氏

The pan on the stove is very dirty, covered with layers of grime

7. わたしの彼が作る✨クロワッサン✨(べろ〜ん)

The uncooked dough is laid out flat instead of rolled into the shape of a croissant

8. 彼氏「皿洗いしておいたよ」

The sink is full of food, while the dishes are stacked on the counter with no rhyme or reason

9. 彼氏「棚の取り付け作業は完了!DIY最高!」

The items on the shelf are covered in plaster dust

10. 左:彼氏の靴下のたたみ方、右:普通のたたみ方

The pair of socks is tied in a bow

11. お菓子の補充作業を免れるための✨ライフハック✨

A bag of Chex Mix is empty except for six pieces of Chex at the bottom of the bag

この記事は英語から翻訳・編集しました。翻訳:大久保 拓哉