




    すぐに、他の多くのシリア人親子も、ハッシュタグ #SolidarityWithKarim を利用して、カリムを応援する写真をツイートした。

    My little brother Muhammad appears his solidarity with Karim and says, "We children hate war and hate #Assad who is… https://t.co/Hav2Nr9vmg

    We stand in #SolidarityWithKarim #BreakGhoutaSiege #Ghouta #Syria

    Syrian children stand in solidarity with Karim, who lost his eye and had his skull broken by Assad regime shelling… https://t.co/1Yx4Yd9E0E

    Children from the city of # Daraa stand in solidarity for Karim who lost one eye as a result of the bombing of the… https://t.co/rpeTa2VJqZ

    #SolidaritywithKarim who lost his eye and mother by #Assad Bombing on #Ghouta

    Abdul Baset Al-Sarout is in #SolidarityWithKarim (#stolenphoto) #Syria #revolution #18thdecember

    Karim lost his left eye and his mother got killed in a massacre of 8 martyrs in that day. After that, Activists ha… https://t.co/WaAXKWsEDi


    متطوعوا الدفاع المدني متضامنون مع كريم الطفل كريم فقد عينه وكسرت جمجمته و استشهدت والدته بعد تعرّض منزل عائلته في… https://t.co/dxfjwprm6v

    I'm in #solidaritywithkarim a syrian child two month-old, lost his eye and broke the skull of his head and lost his… https://t.co/vwcaHFdtnW


    @uossmCan is in solidarity with Karim, A two-month-old Syrian Child who lost his eye, severely damaged his skull… https://t.co/2zf5li0kgZ


    この記事は英語から翻訳されました。翻訳:矢倉美登里/ガリレオ、編集:BuzzFeed Japan